world building projects

bramble world

Humanity discovered an anomalous inhabitable distant planet and sent out a colony generational ship. One of many similar expeditions in this time of peace. Upon arrival in the system a civil war broke out, evacuation became necessary and the warring factions were stranded on the planet. Forced to resolve their differences, they accepted a tiered social structure. The success of their system is on display in the massive singular city the provides them safety, health and satisfaction within is borders.

The first colonists discovered evidence of an ancient advanced alien civilization that existed on the planet. The only remaining artifacts are in the form of large structures now called “totems” and more massive ones named “vaults”, but no specimens or even fossils of this culture remain nor any hints to their nature or culture. Humanity uses the intense heat emitting from them to power their technology in the face of limited other more traditional resources.

While the original agreement provided stability for the colonists, not all are satisfied with the emergent status quo. Some venture out as unlicensed guides into the reserves for exploration and some for profit.

What secrets remain on this world to unlock its strange secrets and incoherent technologies?

The colony ship remains inaccessible in orbit ready for the final phase of its mission.


Bramble Totem 02

Bramble Totem and research station. Built and rendered in Blender mostly using the Quicktools plugin set.

bramble world (analog sketchbook)

world six

A dangerous world featuring hexagonal structures in the geology and biology. Native life and humanity adapted to the extreme vulcanism and with structures that take advantage of gasses, steam based water storage and other systems to flourish. While humanity visits and sometimes lives on this world to harvest the natural resources, extreme measures must be taken to survive.


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